Nutrition Tips and Tricks

Nutrition Tips and Tricks

This page gets updated every 3 to 4 months when new tips and tricks get sent in by those who have already reached ideal. If you want to keep up to date with these, click here. If there's any tip/trick you found useful while reaching ideal, be sure to add it to the guide by clicking here.

Weight loss tips and tricks

Let's first look at how to combat hunger, the arch-nemesis of your cutting phase. Your genetics play a part in regulating your general hunger levels throughout the day [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], specifically the gene MC4R.

You encounter this particular gene every time you have a meal — it's responsible for letting you know when you feel full from eating. Some people won the genetic lottery (let's call them type 1 people) and can feel full after just a small meal. Others, like many of the beta-testers, can eat 7 slices of pizza and then ask for the rest of the box. They are type 2 people.

The main issue for type 2 people is getting that "full" feeling without actually eating too many calories. But, thankfully, there are tons of easy ways to feel full.

All of the most up-to-date tips and tricks are listed below in no particular order, and it's recommended you use all of them to make your cutting phases as easy as possible!

Don't drink your calories
Drink 2 glasses of water before eating
Eat protein when hungry
Eat high-volume food
Only eat foods you like
Don't buy anything unhealthy
Throw out all your tempting foods
Out of sight, out of mind
Don't avoid sugar alternatives
Eat whole foods
Switch to low-calorie alternatives
When you're craving
Eat most of your calories early on
Try time-restricted feeding
Eat slower
Chew gum instead
Buy single-serving size
Use smaller plates
Stop at one plate

Weight gain tips and tricks

If the fitness world, those who have trouble gaining weight are known as "hard gainers", an issue more common than you might think. Below are the tips and tricks you can use to get over your weight gain plateaus in no particular order.

Add more fat
Drink healthy, high-calorie drinks
Eat more calorie-dense foods
Reduce your cardio

Caution: Don't go all-in at the beginning. Start with one or two of these tips in moderation and then check after a week to see if your weight has gone up.

If not, try implementing a few more tips gradually, but do not gain too much weight! Any weight you gain over your muscle-building potential will be fat, not healthy muscle.

Once you reach ideal, be sure to share your transformation pictures by clicking here to add them to the upcoming transformations page.
The Ideal Male Body