2. Time Until Ideal

2. Time Until Ideal

The clock is ticking. Are you becoming the person you want to be? — Greg Plitt

Take a look at the physique below:


Most women work for years but never reach this level of physique. But for the average female on the ideal female body program, this physique is just six to eight months away—yes, that includes both building muscle and losing fat.

To estimate how long it will take you to reach the physique above, this guide comes with a free spreadsheet that you can use to follow along. Just follow these steps to get it:

Step 1: Click either link to open up “The Ideal Body Calculator”
Step 2: Create a copy of the google sheet
Step 3: On your copy of “The Ideal Body Calculator” enter your current information
Step 4: Under “The Day You Reach Ideal” is the date you will reach ideal following this guide!

As a female beginner, you can expect to gain about 2.5lb(1.1kg) of lean muscle mass each month, slowing down to about 1lb(0.5kg) gained per month at the intermediate stage [1, 2]. As you continue to make progress in your weightlifting journey, your rate of muscle growth will continue to decline, but there’s no need to panic.

If your main motivation for working out is to become more attractive, realize that you don’t need to gain a ridiculous amount of muscle (as discussed previously). You just need enough to balance out your physique!

Many women shy away from the gym in order to avoid getting too "bulky". What they don't realize is that it's incredibly difficult to put on large amounts of muscle. As proof, think about all the guys you know that have been going to the gym for years without much improvement.

Muscle gain—in the right areas—will make your physique look better than with no muscle at all. After all, your glutes (sciency way of saying your butt) is mostly muscle! If you want to have a skinnier waist, a bigger butt, and a more balanced look then weight lifting is a must. For a visual representation, check out this image:


The woman above checks off all the boxes that most people find attractive nowadays. She's slim, proportionate, and most importantly, she's fit! Or in other words, she has built the right amount of muscle in all the right places.

If you're still worried about putting on too much muscle, don't! This guide will let you know exactly when you need to stop working out and for how long. Furthermore, on your short journey to the ideal body, you won't need to add much muscle. Again, your goal isn't to gain muscle like crazy, but instead to put muscle in all the right places—glutes, abs, and legs.

What this all means: If you are aiming to become more attractive, you can reach the optimal level in about 24 weeks!

The cheat sheet

As this guide progresses it will get a bit wordy. This is on purpose so that every little detail —from how to best lose weight to the supplements that are worth buying—is covered.

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👀1. Evidence of Ideal 🍖3. Nutrition Prep

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