Personal Capital Info

Personal Capital Info

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Setting up your account

For a great video on how to set up and use M1 Finance, check out the one below:

If you'd like to see all the steps visually, follow along below:

  1. First, click this link to get started
  2. After you enter your email, password, and phone number you'll be sent to this page:
  3. image

    Don't worry if you don't know when you plan to retire or how much you have saved in cash; those can both be changed later.

  4. Next you'll link your bank, investment, and other accounts on this page:
  5. image
  6. And you're done!

If you came to this page through a link, you can head back to the 3. New Age Budgeting3. New Age Budgeting or the 4. Calculating The Essentials4. Calculating The Essentials page to continue.

Linking more accounts

For this, check out Personal Capitals set-by-step guide here.

Closing your account

Click here to see go to Personal Capitals support page on how to close your account or a specific investment account.

Have a question?

Still have questions? Send them over by clicking here.

💸The Automatic Millionaire